Chamonix Bus

The Chamonix Bus network allows you to move quickly in the centre of Chamonix or the Mont Blanc Valley.

Carte d’hôte: free buses and trains in the Chamonix valley

Accommodation in a hotel or rental in Chamonix: When you arrive at your hotel or accommodation, ask for your “Carte d’Hôte”. This card will allow you to travel for free in the Mont Blanc valley on the Transdev Chamonix Bus network and on SNCF trains (communes between Servoz and Vallorcine). The guest card is given to you by the hotelier or your accommodation provider.
If you are staying free of charge, you must go to the Chamonix town hall or tourist office to collect your guest card. The card will then be charged (price: 10€ per person per week).
Day visitors: if you are not staying in the valley, you will have to pay for the bus. It is possible to buy tickets inside the bus.

Map of the bus network

The network varies according to the season. The buses serve the whole Mont Blanc valley and run between Servoz and the village of Le Tour.

Le Mulet Shuttle

Le Mulet is an electric shuttle that serves the whole of Chamonix town centre. These small shuttles are accessible to people with reduced mobility.

Year-round bus routes

Find below the itineraries of the lines operating all year round

Line 1 : Les Houches > Chamonix > Les Praz / Flégère
Line 2 : Les Bossons > Les Pélerins > Chamonix > Argentière > Le Tour
Line 3 : Chamonix > Servoz
Line 6 : Servoz shuttle

Chamonix Bus

Chamo’nuit : the night bus Les Houches – Chamonix – Argentière

The Chamo’nuit line links Les Houches on one side and the village of Argentière on the other to the centre of Chamonix. The line operates every day in summer and winter.

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