Mont Blanc Tunnel

The Mont Blanc Tunnel is an 11,600 km long road tunnel linking France and Italy between Chamonix and Courmayeur. The Mont Blanc Tunnel is an important route across the Alps, with an average of 5,168 vehicles using the tunnel each day. Heavy goods vehicles travelling between Italy and France account for a significant proportion of the traffic.

Use the tables below to find out how much the Mont Blanc Tunnel costs.

Mont Blanc tunnel tariff 2022 (French side)

Type véhiculeAller simpleAller/Retour
Caravane, camping-car68.1085.8
Poids lourds & cars 2 essieux186.90290.10
Poids lourds & cars 3 essieux et plus375.60590

Direction France – Italy. Tariffs on the Chamonix / France side, source ATMB. 20% VAT included.

Mont Blanc tunnel tariff 2022 (Italian side)

Type véhiculeTarif aller simpleTarif aller/retour
Caravane, Camping-Car64.5081.10
Poids lourds & cars 2 essieux190295.80
Poids lourds & cars 3 essieux et plus381.90599.80

Direction Italy-France. Tariff Courmayeur/Italy side source ATMB. VAT 22% included.

Frequently asked questions about the Mont Blanc Tunnel

How long is the round trip fare?

For light vehicles (car, van, motorbike) the return fare is valid for 7 days only. If your trip to Italy lasts more than 7 days, you will have to pay 2 single tickets.
For trucks and buses the return fare is valid for 15 days. Beyond that, you will have to pay 2 single tickets.

What are the payment methods for the Mont Blanc tunnel toll?

It is possible to pay by cash and credit card. Since 1 January 2018, the Mont Blanc Tunnel no longer accepts payment by cheque.
The main credit card networks are accepted: Visa, Eurocard, MasterCard, American Express, UTA, Ressa, DKV, Total GR, EuroShell Card, EuroTrafic

What if the tunnel is closed?

If it is closed, see our guide to avoiding the Mont Blanc tunnel. Alternatively, you can spend a night in a palace in Chamonix or stay in a hotel in Courmayeur.

Traffic conditions

During the summer period or for public holidays in France or Switzerland, a traffic jam may form at the entrance of the tunnel, remember to get information before driving.

To find out about traffic in the Mont Blanc Tunnel or for any questions, contact the following numbers

ATMB / +39 0165 890411 : + 33 (0) 4 50 55 55 00
GEIE-TMB on the Italian side: + 39 (0) 165 890 411

TMB Mobility application

The TMB Mobility application allows you to know in real time the traffic conditions and the possible waiting time to pass the Mont Blanc tunnel. The information is available in French, Italian and English. The application is also useful for heavy goods vehicles, which can find out about the conditions at the Passy – Le Fayet (French side) regulation area. TMB Mobility is available on Google Play or Apple Store.

Mont Blanc Tunnel opening times

The Mont Blanc Tunnel is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year. The tunnel may be closed for safety exercises or maintenance work. These closures take place at night and usually on Mondays.

Truck traffic may be interrupted from time to time due to strong winds (pressure differences between the Italian and French sides) or during very heavy snowfalls.

Avoiding the Mont Blanc Tunnel / Alternatives to go to Italy

The Mont Blanc tunnel is closed for works? Are you going on holiday to Italy and there are traffic jams? Do you want to avoid paying the toll? Chamonix Planet tells you how to avoid the Mont Blanc tunnel.

Route through the Grand Saint Bernard pass
Fréjus tunnel
Bourg St Maurice / Petit St Bernard
Col du Mont Cenis…

Length of the Mont Blanc tunnel and road tunnels in France

The Mont Blanc Tunnel is the 2nd longest tunnel in France with 11 km 6 . The longest road tunnel in the world is in Norway (Laerdal Tunnel) and is 24 km 500. See below the list of the longest road tunnels in France:

1) Tunnel de Fréjus12 km 870A proximité de Modane pour relier l’Italie
2) Tunnel du Mont Blanc11 km 600A proximité de Chamonix pour relier l’Italie
3) Tunnel duplex A8610 kmTunnel avec 2 niveaux superposés
4) Tunnel du Somport8 km 600Tunnel au col du Somport pour relier l’Espagne
5) Tunnel de Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines6 km 950Tunnel Maurice Lemaire
6) Tunnel Puymorens4 km820 Dans les Pyrénées sur l’axe Toulouse – Barcelone
7) Tunnel de La Défense4 km 150A Nanterre sur l’autoroute A14
8) Tunnel A89 de Violay3 km 900Construit en 2013 pour que l’A89 traverse les monts du Lyonnais
9) Tunnel périphérique Nord Teo – Caluire3 km 728Contournement de Lyon avec 6km500 de tunnels au total.

Traffic rules in the tunnel

To avoid accidents, the traffic rules in the Mont Blanc tunnel are very strict. A document explaining the rules (speeds, distances between vehicles, etc.) is given to you at the toll booth. Radars are positioned at regular intervals in the tube. If you break the rules in the tunnel, you will be stopped at the tunnel exit and fined at least €135.

Centre de contrôle Tunnel du Mont Blanc

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